Year: 2014

The Benefits of Coca

Coca leaves are readily available in the street in Peru. Coca is particularly effective against altitude sickness (“soroche” in Spanish) because coca assists in a greater absorption of oxygen in the blood and therefore to the brain.

Food: Chapter 1–Avoiding McDonalds in Arequipa

I am trying to keep my expenses way down and my pre-trip research revealed that excellent meals can be very cheap here…I had had plenty to eat, but just as I finished my last bite, Leo brought me a small postre (dessert) of sliced bananas. Perfect!

Estoy AQUI!

Then I had to find a place to sleep in the airport. I did not want to try to figure out where to stay over just one night when I would be leaving Lima immediately the next day. I found a place where other travelers were awaiting flights the next day and we all slept together on the floor.