
Foods, Markets, Recipes I have encountered around the world


I asked owner what it was. He did not have enough English to describe it. He just kissed his fingertips and smiled. I threw caution to the wind.

Shopping…Cooking…Eating: My First Pittu

He made a mixture of red rice flour, salt and a small amount of water. Then he sliced and grated vegetables into thin slivers—carrot, onion, and cabbage and tossed them into the crumbly mix. “Three vegetables is good,” he informed me. You can use about any vegetable combinations you want.

Smoothies? You ain’t Seen Nothin’

Smoothies? You ain’t Seen Nothin’ The Juice Ladies of San CamilloOne of the highlights of the San Camillo market in Arequipa, is the long line of women (about 50 stalls!) selling just about any kind of smoothie or juice you can imagine. Along with the Seccion Fruitas (Fruit Section), it is the most colorful part …

Smoothies? You ain’t Seen Nothin’ Read More »

Shopping…Cooking…Eating: Tamales! En Peru!

Shopping…Cooking…Eating:  Tamales! En Peru! One day a couple weeks ago I asked my host, Adela if she knew how to make tamales. “Claro!”—of course she did. Since I also like to make tamales and wanted to make some here from the foods I could get in the market, we planned a day for shopping and …

Shopping…Cooking…Eating: Tamales! En Peru! Read More »